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Author Topic: Bakers Cheese & Blochowiak Dairy Co. Special Cheese Torte  (Read 54428 times)
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Jr. Member
Posts: 9

« on: January 14, 2010, 04:43:46 PM »

Lookin for what is called Bakers Cheese so's I can make a real Milwaukee cheese cake. Who sells it?? Huh
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Sr. Member
Posts: 46

« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2012, 11:26:39 AM »

Happy, keep checking around. Look for dry cottage cheese, also known as hoop or baker's cheese or no-curd dry cottage cheese. If anyone knows a good local source let us know.  Cheesy
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Sr. Member
Posts: 46

« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 04:24:29 PM »

Blochowiak Dairy Co. Special Cheese Torte

This is the "cheese cake" your Milwaukee Grandma made.

* cheesecake.jpg (91.04 KB, 356x624 - viewed 4650 times.)
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Jr. Member
Posts: 9

« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 05:02:21 PM »

Hey dare,
 I found dat bakers cheese at dis place.

West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shoppe
6832 West Becher Street
West Allis, WI 53219
Phone: 414-543-4230

Jus down da street from dat Becher Meat Market, har! Seriously, day will get you da cheese.

Nows you can make da Bushia's cheesecake.


* bakerscheese1.jpg (11.51 KB, 250x183 - viewed 2935 times.)
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Jr. Member
Posts: 9

« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 12:19:10 PM »

I was going to post that source since I've ordered their dry cheese in the past. It does a reasonably good job but If you're going to make the old fashioned Milwaukee cheesecake, it doesn't quite get you to the original taste. Texture is a bit dry too.

Walmart carries a 'dry cottage cheese' which you have to puree but its texture is less 'grainy' and works better. My wife and I toyed with various recipes for the old cheesecake and we have come close but that's all. Milwaukee cheesecake had a very distinct flavor and texture which will be hard to replicate. I'm sure that in some dresser drawer of someone who was related to bakers at Meurer's Bakery is the recipe. Finding it is the trick.

If anyone wants to try and improve on my recipe-leave a note. One thing I've found that adding any amount of lemon extract as some recipes suggest will get you farther from, not closer to the original taste. IMHO
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Old Milwaukee
Posts: 2

« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 06:12:43 PM »

The Meurer name and recipes are now owned by Lipari foods. If they are anything like NECCO and the candy raisin formula they may not release the secret  :'(   I miss Meurer's. They would custom build a cake on order. My favorite was their banana cake.


* milwaukee meurer bakery1976a.jpg (115.52 KB, 881x463 - viewed 2470 times.)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 06:24:30 PM by Old Milwaukee » Report to moderator   Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 9

« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 09:29:41 PM »

The cheesecake thing started early in my life. My late older brother loved it and when he returned from WWII, he made it a habit to buy one every few days and he shared with the family. After my wife and I moved to Chicago, we would visit my mother on weekends-in Milwaukee. I would get up at 5:30 AM and head for the Meurer's bakery, I want to say on S 13th, south of Oklahoma. I'd be there when they opened and often would buy 3 cheesecakes and we'd consume those in the two days we were in Milwaukee.

I think the market for that cheesecake and those candy raisins was people who are now late 30's and older. The younger people didn't create the demand so the products went away.

Anyway, I can still imagine the flavor of the cheesecake and there is nothing in the world of cheesecakes to beat it-for me at least.
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Old Milwaukee
Posts: 2

« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 10:15:11 PM »

From the Jack Schmidling Productions, Inc. Site :


Following this recipe for the cheese is my recipe for "Milwaukee Cheesecake" along with some background on how I got into this cheese.

Baker's cheese is made from skimmed milk so it is a natural for powdered milk. This is the procedure for about a pound of cheese from a gallon of milk.

1. Mix up a gallon of milk from powder. I used one gallon of water and 388 gr powdered milk. Alternatively, use a gallon of 1% milk.

2. Heat to 90F and add 1/8 tsp EZAL culture or whatever you use as equivalent.

3. A few drops of rennet in 1/4 cup water is added to milk.

4. Let sit for 8 hrs if you can keep the temp at about 90F or overnight at room temp. Actual target is pH of 4.5 if you have a way to measure it.

5. Pour curds and whey into cheesecloth lined colander and then hang up to drain for 15 minutes.

6. Press bag lightly between boards and drain until "moist but not wet". This will take about 2 hrs.

The cheese can then be refrigerated till needed. It is also, one of the few cheeses that freezes well.


I grew up on what we called "Milwaukee Cheesecake" and developed an intense dislike for the gooey sweet, cream cheese cakes that Americans have come to consider cheesecake.

Until about 10 years ago we could still drive up to Milwaukee and get it but they all stopped making it because no one wants it anymore. As it is no longer available anywhere I know of, I have made a career of trying to duplicate it from memory.

The cheese used is basic "baker's cheese" which can easily be made from powdered milk and my latest iteration of the cheesecake recipe and it is about as close to my recollection as I can get now without tasting the real thing again.

The base is fairly heavy cake dough about midway between pie-crust and sponge cake. The filling is similar to the cheese fillings still found in some sweet rolls. Moist but not creamy and a bit of an acid tang balanced against the sugar and texture of a very heavy custard. They were typically made in a large baking sheet and sold as squares of any size.

As a point of interest, I went through about 20 cookbooks and found only one recipe for cheese cake that was not based on cream cheese. This indeed is the problem. First of all, cream cheese is neither cheese nor made from cream (not even Philly) these days. It is a chemical concoction that has little to do, even with cows.

The key to real cheesecake is "baker's cheese" and this just is not available in supermarkets. If you can find it, then all you need is a recipe for real cheesecake.



Flour.......................... 1 cup
Butter........................ 3 TBS
Baking Powder.......... 1 tsp
Egg ................... 1
Half and Half............ 6 TBS

Blend all till smooth and pour into greased 8 x 8 baking pan. We use a 9" round spring form pan.

Cheese Filling............

Baker's Cheese.............. 1/2 lb
Flour ................... 1 TBS
Half and Half ............ 1/2 cup
Vanilla........................... 1/2 tsp
Egg ..................... one
Sugar............................ 1/4 cup
Salt............................... pinch

Blend it all together and pour over crust. Bake at 350F for about 45 mins.

Bon appetit ...

« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 10:40:20 PM by Old Milwaukee » Report to moderator   Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 9

« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 10:29:28 PM »

Thanks for putting that recipe up. It's the one we started with a couple years ago. The first attempt didn't turn out good so we gave it a second shot with no improvement. Exactly as written. We've since tweaked some of the ingredients etc and improved on the result (it actually looks like and tastes like a good cheesecake) so that it came close to the Milwaukee variety, but I just got tired of playing with ingredients and baking. So the project was shelved-for a while at least.

Thanks again. Maybe I should start a Facebook page called the Old Fashioned Milwaukee Cheesecake Qwest and see what happens.
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