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Author Topic: 0ld business's on oklahoma ave. west  (Read 10541 times)
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« on: June 10, 2015, 12:55:34 PM »

 At 60th. small shopping center that housed Kubiak's drugs. Ace hardware, A&P or National Tea groceries, a T.V repair and a barber shop. Something else stuck in there but I can't remember.  The stores were just behind A little Pate station N.W corner. Later Kubiak's and Ace moved Around the corner further south. N.E corner was and old diner and gas before the standard station was built. S.W. corner was a Clark station not the one that's there now. Behind it we watched as they built a ultra modern Kohl's foods( no pillars) S.W corner is still St. Greg's although there was a little school on part of there lot along 60th. I believe it was General Douglas Macarthur school. Also on Oklahoma across from Kohl's was The  House of vision( rode the elevator up and down. only three levels but was fun when your a bored kid.) Then a Baskin robbin's 31 flavors and a mautz paint in same building. Was pretty daring to walk through the tunnel under Kohl's parking lot and cross Oklahoma subterranean style. Was some bar on 57th. Schmidt's mom and pop grocery store ( Gilbert and Gerdy) on 56th across from fire station. Sentry on 51st across from Serb hall. White Manor liquor on S.E corner. Across the street was a Shell station, now a music instrument or lessons store. Milwaukee police chief Brier lived just behind white manors parking lot, across the alley. There was always a detective in a car guarding his house. I remember alleys everywhere east of 51st. great for kids on there bikes to zoom through the neighborhoods. I think I can recall what was on 68th and 76th. but enough for now. Anyone remember the name of that diner & gas on 60th N.E corner before the standard station( something maybe like Red's or something like that?)
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« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2015, 12:27:19 PM »

Good memory there, I lived South of that location near Morgan Ave.

The TV shop was called John's TV service
The Diner was at 5910 W Oklahoma (Wehr's Tap / Service station)
The General Douglas MacArthur School was at 3151 S 60th
The Pate Station was named Marv's Pate

All info from my 1956 Milwaukee City directory

* pate21.jpg (71.9 KB, 652x507 - viewed 1357 times.)
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